Kite Trips Menu



Kite Trip - Conditions
Kite Trip - Requirements



  • It is necessary to book your day kite trip in advance and to call the day before the downwinder (at 18H/19H) on our mobile phones (see "Contacts") to confirm.

  • The downwinder will take place if weather conditions allow it only (according to our estimation).

  • The minimal kite level to take part to our kite trips is to be able to frankly ride upwind and to water relaunch your kite easily. It is also necessary to be fit. A brief presentation of rescue packdown techniques will take place during the downwinder briefing.

  • Once you have started the downwinder you will be charged for the totality of it, even if it has to be stopped for reasons either related to riders (problems with the gear, unsufficient level, physical problem...) or not related to riders (weather...).

  • We require at least 3 participants riders or non rider to organize a downwinder at minimum group prices.

Kite Trip - Lagoon of Belle Mare Palmar